Does an idea of visiting a dentist scare you? Do you have a belief of your own or heard from your elders , friends, relatives which make you scare visit a Dentist. Are you one among them those who believe that getting a scaling done loosen your teeth or getting an extraction makes you blind. Let me tell you that, these are the "Untrue facts" which many people in society believe on, scares themselves and their nearby and ultimately leads to negligence of their oral hygiene. I have often encountered with many patients who have such beliefs of their own Or heard from someone. Many times my patient tend to ask me "Madam, if you remove my tooth I will loose my eye sight" Or "if I brush hard, my tooth will turn white" and many more like these. So let me make you all clear that these are just " Myths " Or false believe that is running in society and needs to stop so that people won't neglect or deteriorate their oral health following the myths. ...
Dentlogs by Tooth Castle is a mixture of knowledge on general dentistry and various clinical practice. It will help you gain a tremendous knowledge about dental and oral hygiene and its maintenance. It deals with dental and oral diseases encountered in daily life, which will helps you to diagnose your probable cause giving an idea and confidence in procedures you might go under. Dentlogs also helps students pursuing dental career by providing knowledge stacked together via our blog.