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Tooth sensitivity

TOOTH SENSITIVITY  Have your ever felt a cold breeze in your tooth ? Have you ever come across the word "tooth sensitivity". Do you know what actually it is? Do you ever wonder how a bone like hard substance can ever be sensitive.? Can you tell me what causes the tooth to be sensitive.?  Let's move ahead and talk about it.  What is tooth sensitivity?  It is a painful sensation of tooth in response to the stimuli such as cold, hot, sweet or acidic food or drinks.  In general words, whenever you feel discomfort in your tooth when you eat something too hot, too cold, too acidic or a sweet food.        So, if you ever feel a electric current like sensation in your tooth or teeth that means you have sensitive teeth.    It may be temporary or a permanent, acute (short term) or chronic (long term) , affect one single tooth or multiple tooth in an individual,  and may range from mild to severe in intensity....

COVID-19 and Oral hygiene

Are you amongst those who wanted to visit a dentist but are scared due to the National emergency like COVID-19.  Corona virus / COVID-19 is only getting advanced these days and many people around are worried about the Oral health.They have been in confusion regarding oral hygiene.  Many wants to know if proper oral hygiene prevents them from corona virus.? What could be the oral signs of COVID-19?. Are dentist available in the pandemic situation? Is it safe to visit a Dentist during the period of COVID-19.? What precautions should they take while or after visiting a dentist? What are the oral hygiene practises at home if we do not want to visit in these days?  We, The Dentlogs by Tooth Castle are here to brief you about your worries..!!  Hello to the readers....  Hope you a safe and in great Health..!! 👍 Its been months since COVID-19 was declared as National emergency by WHO. We are all familiar with the general symptoms of COVID- 19 but what about Oral health...

Myths in Dental Practise

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